Transform Your Smile with Veneers
If hiding your smile because of concerns like chipped, stained, or misaligned teeth is a struggle, veneers offer a confidence-boosting solution. This guide covers what veneers entail, highlights their advantages, and walks you through the process of getting them. Empowering you with insights, it enables an informed decision-making process for achieving the smile you've always wanted. What are veneers? Veneers are slim, custom-made shells of tooth-coloured material that adhere to the front
Inlays, Onlays
Usually, fillings are used to fill in small cavities, while crowns are used when a larger surface needs to be covered up. There may be situations when a filling is not enough, and a crown is too much to protect dental decay…that’s when dental inlays and onlays are used to fill in those gaps. But what is the difference between the two? At their most basic definitions, an inlay fills in cavities and hollows in