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  /  General Dental Services   /  Discover Stronger Teeth: The Scoop on Dental Sealants

Want stronger teeth and fewer cavities? Dental sealants can help! Learn how they work and who can benefit. Don’t wait until you have tooth problems. Get stronger teeth with sealants!

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants, thin plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars, shield these teeth from decay by sealing off deep grooves and pits where bacteria and food particles can accumulate. The resin material, often clear or white, bonds to the enamel invisibly, providing a quick and painless preventive measure for both children and adults. Recommended primarily for permanent molars and premolars, these sealants can also be applied to baby teeth in high-risk cases. With proper care and dental visits, they offer years of protection.

How do dental sealants work?

Dental sealants create a shield on teeth, stopping bacteria and food buildup in deep grooves. This makes cleaning easier with regular brushing and flossing. Applying them involves cleaning and drying teeth, then using an acidic gel to help the sealant stick. After rinsing, the sealant is hardened with a special light, forming a tough barrier against chewing wear and tear.

Benefits of dental sealants

Benefits of Dental Sealants:
  1. Protection against cavities: Sealants prevent decay by sealing deep grooves, reducing the risk of cavities and future dental treatments.
  2. Long-lasting defense: With proper care, sealants can endure daily chewing and brushing for many years, ensuring continued protection.
  3. Painless and non-invasive: Unlike some dental procedures, sealants require no drilling or tooth structure removal, making them suitable for those anxious about dental visits.
  4. Cost-effective: Investing in sealants can save money by preventing costly treatments like fillings or root canals, offering proactive dental care.
  5. Improved oral hygiene: Sealants create smoother tooth surfaces, easing cleaning and reducing plaque buildup, thus promoting healthier teeth and gums.

Dental sealants vs. other preventive treatments

Dental sealants are just one of many preventive treatments for good oral health, compared to other common methods:
  1. Fluoride treatment: Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, applied through toothpaste, mouthwash, or professional treatments. While effective on smooth tooth surfaces, it doesn’t target deep grooves like sealants do.
  2. Regular brushing and flossing: Vital for preventing cavities and gum disease, but challenging for deep grooves. Sealants create a smoother surface, aiding in plaque and food particle removal.
  3. Dietary adjustments: Limiting sugary and acidic foods helps prevent cavities, but complete avoidance can be tricky. Sealants offer extra protection against their harmful effects, reducing cavity risk.

Caring for dental sealants

Taking care of your dental sealants is easy and involves following basic oral hygiene tips. Here’s how to maintain their effectiveness:
  1. Brush and floss regularly: Keep brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing every day. Even though sealants add protection, it’s still essential to remove plaque and food from all tooth surfaces.
  2. Avoid hard objects: While sealants are sturdy, avoid biting down on hard things like ice or pens, as they could chip or dislodge the sealants.
  3. Visit the dentist regularly: Regular dental check-ups are crucial. Your dentist will check your sealants and fix any issues during these visits.

Maintaining oral health with dental sealants

Dental sealants are essential for preventing cavities by forming a protective layer on teeth, blocking bacteria from deep grooves. They’re especially helpful for kids and teens as their teeth develop and habits form. However, people of all ages can benefit, offering painless and affordable protection against future dental problems. Remember, while sealants are crucial, maintaining strong teeth requires a complete oral health routine: brushing, flossing, a healthy diet, and regular check-ups. Talk to your dentist to see if sealants are right for you or your child. Schedule an appointment with Mount Pleasant Dental Group at (604) 559-9955.
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